Why Basketball? Part 1

Why Basketball? Part 1

Life was not always the easiest for me growing up. Certainly, many had it worse but this is my story. I always go back to that peach crate screwed to the edge of the carport. Yes, an actual peach crate! Inside that house did not feel like home, it never did. But, outside playing with my brothers and cousins did. Shooting on that make shift hoop was my home for as long as I could remember. 

At a young age my parents went through a divorce. The separation was not easy but this was the first moment of us realizing it was us against the world, and we had the best super hero there was protecting us, our mother. I do not remember much from the ages 4-8 but I do remember the sports. The basketballs, the baseballs and the footballs. We ran, jumped, ran and jumped some more. That was our peaceful place. 

Before Mitch came around basketball was just a game we played when we could find a hoop. He introduced us to a whole new world of competitive basketball. Truthfully, a place for us to release all that built up anger we didn't know we had. It still brings tears to my eyes thinking about those first few seasons at the Oak Ridge YMCA. I fell in love with it all. The whistles, the hardwood, the competition, and most importantly the ability to be aggressive and not be yelled at by my mom but encouraged for it! 

In many ways basketball probably saved my life. Not because I was able to sink myself into it and hide from the world but the exact opposite. Basketball helped me build my confidence. It also introduced me to some of the greatest people I have ever met and are still in my life to this day. Basketball is a brotherhood. A brotherhood I am lucky enough to teach today. 

I never really competed at a high level in basketball and that may be one of my only regrets in life. I never took it serious in high school, even though I did play on the team. I was working, running with friends, and chasing girls more than I was in the gym working out. I say regret loosely because high school for me was a blast. I enjoyed the hell out of it with my friends. 

To answer my titled question, basketball is my home. Not only basketball, but sports are the greatest thing in the world to me. Basketball teaches discipline, confidence, motivation, emotional awareness, self-awareness, trust, and the list goes on and on. Basketball is slowly becoming my life and that was only a dream of mine as a little kid. One day, everything basketball, will be my life. This will be my legacy. I will continue to help change lives through this sport just like it did for me. I will continue to teach this sport in a way that teaches life lessons and not just about winning a game. I will continue to use this sport to give back to my community. The relationships I am building with my kids around this game is beautiful to me. I love it. 

To Be Continued... 

With Love, 

Coach Nicholson

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This is one of the most inspiring stories I’ve seen. Go for it Adam and you will do amazing things for kiddos who may be going through some of the same obstacles you did. Best Wishes my Friend. As for your Mom… she is an amazing person I call friend and that makes you one of mine too. ❤️

Tammy Burwell

Always your biggest fan and it just continues to grow! I love you and am so proud of you.

Bobbi Wilson

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